Calgary City and Street Map

Calgary, a city with a rich history dating back at least 11,000 years, has always been a hub for community and growth. The area was first inhabited by pre-Clovis people, followed by multiple First Nations including the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot Confederacy), îyârhe Nakoda, the Tsuutʼina peoples, and Métis Nation, Region 3​​. From the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to the establishment of Fort Calgary in 1875, the city has been an important centre for trade, community, and development in Canada​.

In modern times, Calgary’s economy has diversified to encompass a broad range of sectors including energy, financial services, film and television, transportation and logistics, technology, manufacturing, aerospace, health and wellness, retail, and tourism​. The economic diversification has positioned Calgary as a significant player in Canada’s economy, hosting the country’s second-largest number of corporate head offices among its 800 largest corporations, and being home to the largest number of millionaires per capita of any major Canadian city as of 2015​.

Looking forward to 2023 and beyond, Calgary continues its trajectory of growth with several new developments on the horizon. The city is set to welcome 15 new communities, spanning across its NW, NE, SW & SE quadrants, catering to the evolving needs of its growing population​. Alongside residential expansion, Calgary is seeing a strong demand in construction, with notable downtown office-to-residential conversion projects receiving funding, and a total of 1,686 non-residential building permit applications in the first half of 2023​. Moreover, the city is actively working on a downtown revitalization program, aiming to balance new developments with the preservation of Calgary’s historical essence​​.

Furthermore, a redesigned approach to evaluating new community growth has been implemented, moving from a biannual call for submissions to a continuous intake window for growth applications, showcasing the city’s commitment to fostering sustainable growth.